Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 2016

Amy & Tyler Gwilliam

Tyler: Reading the Book of Mormon helps me focus on the fundamentals of the Gospel, and this movie did too--it focused on faith, repentance, baptism and the Holy Ghost.  It reminded me of how much my mother has been supportive of me in any endeavor, no matter how hard or difficult.

Kate (this is her commentary throughout the movie, since she can't really answer the questions): 
They miss their mommy.  
Maybe they could buy a mom and dad.
Oh!  That's Jesus.  I like Jesus.
Did they say Holy Ghost?
She's getting baptized!

Lily: It made me feel happy when they got baptized because then their sins were actually washed away.  Mary helped the little girl Mary to repent.  My mommy helps me repent.

Amy: I feel the Spirit when I read the stories of Jesus in the Book of Mormon and I felt the Spirit while watching this movie--especially the parts with Jesus.  My favorite part was at the very end when Jesus said, "Have faith, for I am with thee."  I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost that testifies of truth in my heart and mind.  I am especially grateful for the love that I feel from God.  This movie helped me feel greater love for my mom because I know that I can talk to my mom about any trial, heartache or temptation in my life and she will always love me and give me counsel to do what is right.  

April & Scott Hunsaker

Lacey:  Jesus loved his mother and she loved him back in the Book of Mormon nephi's mother cares and worries for her children

Carter:  We can repent for our sins, the Mary in the movie was really nice to the kids she didn't know and she kind of remind me of my own mother. Carter also said the Mary reminded him of grandma and all the work she has put into this challenge because she loves her Children and grandchildren so
Much she wants them to come into Christ too.

Scott:  The Mary in the movie reminded me of April because she loved and adored her son like
April does her kids

April:  In the Book of Mormon Jesus always wanted the kids to come unto him. The movie reminded me how much my mother loves her children and can't wait for them to be with her. She teaches and guides through her example.

Taylor: He wasn't home when we watched the video so we will try to solicit his answer at a later date. 

Love you all!!